Why is it essential to become REACTIONLESS? | Theory of Karma – 12 |

Reactionless -- Te Sadhak ~ Rashtrasant Pujya Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb

From the theory of Karma, we understand that every action we do results in an equal reaction. REACTIONS is a nature of living beings only. Non-living objects do not experience reactions, and hence, they do not have Karma. So where do these reactions come from? The main cause of Reactions is Bhaav (feelings). And feelings develop because of 3 main reasons - Nimitt (situations and surroundings), Sanskar (Strong impressions of the past) and Karma. Our inability to control our Bhaav leads us to giving reactions very easily, and it is these very reactions that further create the influx of new Karmas. A Sadhak is the one whose reactions become minimal. He has control over his Bhaav (emotions), and thus over his reactions. The theory of Karma shows that every action results in a reaction, and this reaction further fuels another reaction, making it a vicious cycle. In order to break free from this cycle, one has to put a break on one’s reactions and emotions. And thus, becoming Reactionless is the goal of every seeker.

-Parasdham India

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